Anabell Ariah

Hello to you,

Being an Intuitive psychospiritual Councelor, Medium & Life Coach , I am supporting you in a way, to identify and remove mental, emotional and creative blocks to personal advancement.

I provide  one-on-one calls, to activate your full Soul-Beauty™, which is activating your full potential, your multidimensional self.  An alchemical activation for change.
My personal call with you also includes practical tools adapted to your needs, spiritual insights and coaching techniques which are helping you to become the person you want to be. 
Bridging your humenness with your divinity.


BEing your KNOWing in order to DO it fully in your every day life.


My Vision is
to create a platform to meet, connect, provide exCHANGE and just BE

To support people individually in giving them hope, and helping them find their answers by activating their own soul wisdom/knowing/ love and strength. By being of service as your personal Intuitive Consultant/Blueprinter Technician, Change Agent from the Beyong and Life-Coach in activating your true Soul-Beauty™ with my one-on-one calls and Seminars.

How do I work as an Intuitive Consultant/Blueprinter Technician?                                                                                                                                                                                 Each person needs to do, hear, feel and see something else.  I provide you with your personal tools, techniques so you can shift blockages and activate new potential.  Soul-Beauty™ live-calls is a personal one-on-one appoitment, which can be held via telphone, Skype, Facebook Messenger or with me face to face in person. The appointment typically lasts for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Soul-Beauty™ and live-calls is avaiable for people of all ages. I use Systemic Therapist tools which includes different techniques and modalities from Behaviour Therapy, Psychotherapy, Family Therapy, Family Constellations as well as Shamanic and Spiritual Practices. The true Soul-Beauty™ your Soul-Wisdom begins to shine, when integrated and connected with their own activated soul-knowing of who you are, how to look after yourself and treat yourself, your inner wisdom emanates from the inside out. Self-acceptance, self-respect, self-worth, setting boundaries, inner peace,  eating behaviour, exercise, recognizing our own needs and fulfilling them, self-love,  taking care of yourself. It helps to have a follow up session, to keep you moving towards your desire. For that reason I have the Follow-up call part of my basic sessions. These lasts 45 minutes. Both calls are included in the price of 275€. For returning clients I offer a 75 minute call for 225€.

 „When you have a burning desire, with sometimes a simple action plan, a bit of faith, commitment, discipline and courage, you can free yourself and move forward and anything becomes possible».  -Baba Ramdas-

My goal with you is, so that you are DOing your KNOWing in order to BE it fully in your every day life.  


My bigger vision is to create a «roof» for families as a whole, specially for women and mothers who feel separated and need a break and at the same time for man/fathers as well who disconected being a partner or father to his children. I want to provide a platform where women can reconnect with themselves and where  mothers/fathers can reconnect with their child/children and partner as a whole. The platform I provide supplements their needs, their resources and brings resting, silence and professional support on the level you wish. As an individual you will experience time for yourself. Also described as „Me Time“. This means you restore your inner feelings, revitalise yourself as a person or as a mother/father. Allowing yourself to enjoy this break, this „Me Time“ will refresh your importance and love of yourself.


Working under one roof together with other tool provider like me. Enjoy a mindful conversation in a harmonic environment, where all your senses are able to refuel. So you are ready and inspired to burst into your next adventure, called life. Share, exchange, connect and just BE, while we all together enjoy a light refreshment while there in our togetherness. Retreat/accommodation for families, friends or individuals. There will be for everybody something to fill up in abundance/plenty and meet at the end of the day again in reunion with your soulself, or their loved ones and connect on our different levels.              

Much colourbeautyfullybeing to you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Anabell Ariah / Change Agent from Beyond